Esha Gupta has carved her way into Bollywood with just sheer talent. Her career took off when she became the winner of the Miss India International title in 2007 and later secured a place in the Kingfisher 2012 calendar. Esha then entered Bollywood and got a breakout role in Jannat 2 starring Emraan Hashmi.
People are a huge fan of Esha’s acting but even a bigger fan of her beauty. The actress often surprises her fans with pretty pictures of her and today as the actress turns 34 today, we decided to open her pandora of beauty secrets. The actress revealed her morning routine, her makeup hacks and whatnot and here are some of her tips and tricks that you should follow.
Talking to iDiva, Esha Gupta revealed that the first thing that she does when she gets up is splash her face with cold water. She said, “I find that a splash of cold water on my face soon after I wake up refreshes me and wakes me up. I don’t use a towel, and let it dry on its own, instead.”
Talking about the home remedies she uses, Esha revealed, “I apply a curd and cucumber mixture on my face at least once a week, which ensures a healthy glow. As far as my hair is concerned, I go for deep-conditioning treatments on a regular basis.”
The Jannat 2 actress even revealed that her favourite food item is yogurt. “Yogurt or curd is my all-time favourite beauty product because it’s natural and has so many great uses. It gives your skin a healthy glow, works as a conditioner and promotes hair growth, among other things,” said the birthday girl.
Esha even shared a few tips for her fans and said, “Drink lots of water throughout the day even if you don’t feel thirsty. [Secondly], avoid smoking, as it causes your skin to age faster. Also, instead of trying a host of different beauty products, visit a dermatologist in case you have any skin-related issues.”
Well, these some really important tips, right? Let us know how many will you follow!
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The post Birthday Girl Esha Gupta Starts Her Morning With This Beauty Routine appeared first on Koimoi.
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