Be it her magnetic look in films like Padmaavat, Bajirao Mastani or her red carpet looks, Deepika Padukone is an inspiration for many when it comes to fashion. The Chhapaak actress can rock any outfit like a boss but we need to give her makeup some credit too. She never goes over the board with her makeup and has always been subtle about what goes on her face.
Deepika, in an interview, spilled beans on her beauty secrets and revealed that she is obsessed with one beauty hack that she used to initially hate. The megastar revealed that she hated doing anything to her lower lash but after experimenting, she loves to define her lower lash with makeup.
Another trick that Deepika uses is that she uses a loofah instead of a bar soap. She said that using a loofah enhances blood circulation and removes dead cells from the body. Talking about her makeup essentials, Deepika revealed that her favourite makeup product is mascara. Eyes highlighted with black eyeliner and paired with red lipstick is one of Deepika’s favourite go-to looks.
For her go-to look, Deepika prefers to apply a neutral shade of foundation along with a dash of concealer under the eyes. She loves to add a brown coloured eye shadow and a ginger bronze blush on her cheekbones in order to highlight her features. Deepika finishes her look with a thin line of black eyeliner and a touch of mascara. For the lips, she sticks to a peachy brown lipstick.
On the work front, Deepika will be seen with Ranveer in Kabir Khan’s ’83. Ranveer essays the role of Kapil Dev in the film while Deepika will essay the role of his wife. Apart from this film, Deepika will be seen in Meghana Gulzar’s Chhapaak while Ranveer has Takht, Jayeshbhai Zordaar in his kitty.
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