Actress and dancer Suhaee Abro has gone bald for her upcoming movie The Window. The movie, a collaboration project between Hollywood and Lollywood, will feature Faisal Qureshi, Sami Khan and Faran Tahir apart from Abro. It is being directed by Ammar Lasani and Kanza Zia.
Being one of the leads in the film, Sohaee took a brave step and decided to shave her head as per the requirements of her character. The actress shared a video of herself being shaved by her co-star Faran Tahir.
The actor also shared a picture of herself with her shaved head on Instagram and wrote: “I was definitely a little nervous about it but I decided to accept it and embrace it. I don’t plan on hiding it, in fact, I’m happy to explore this whole new world without hair!”
She also thanked her co-star Faran Tahir for “not only shaving my head for me so gently and lovingly but also helping me face my fears and motivating me to explore this side of me.”
Further details about the film have not been revealed and a release date has also not been specified.
Suhaee Abro is a trained classical dancer, actress and model. She also has some theatre performances to her credit. Abro made her acting debut with a Hum TV drama Guddi in 2006. Apart from that, she has also been part of Meri Beti, Sanjha, Tum Mujh Main Zinda Ho, Mann Ke Moti and Sang-e-Mar Mar.
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