A week after the whole Maria B vs the Punjab Police fiasco, it has now been reported that the designer’s cook has tested negative for coronavirus. According to a report in Dawn, Maria’s cook, whose name has not been disclosed, was tested on March 26, a few days after he was admitted to the DHQ hospital in Vehari.
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The Medical Superintendent Dr Faazil said that the 30-year-old man was admitted on Vehari DHQ Hospital on March 22 after a private lab declared him corona-positive. When the patient returned to his hometown in Mauza Hasan Shah in Mailsi tehsil the same day, security agencies shifted him to the isolation ward of the hospital.
His blood samples were sent to the Institute of Public Health lab in Lahore for another test, the result of which came on March 26 and was negative.
Dr Faazil said the patient did not show any symptoms of the virus, adding that he would be discharged from the hospital after a report of his last and final test is received from Lahore in the next 24 hours. The doctor also shared that nine suspected patients of coronavirus were being treated at the DHQ hospital’s isolation ward, which had a capacity of 30 beds. He claimed that there was no positive case of the virus in the district yet.
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On March 24, the Lahore Police had arrested Maria’s husband, Tahir Saeed in the middle of the night for criminal negligence. The police had said that the designer and her husband had sent their cook back home despite knowing that he had been tested positive for COVID-19. The police said that the cook had travelled on public transport, possibly infection hundreds on his way. Other people in his village also had to be quarantined due to this. Saeed was later released on bail.
Meanwhile, following this report, social media is lit with conspiracy theories regarding the cook’s result. While some people say that the latest reports have been tampered with, others say that the cook has probably recovered which is why his result came out negative in the latest report.
Read more – Maria B’s chandelier is Pakistan’s latest obsession
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