Actor Saba Qamar took to Instagram to wish her Indian Singer Guru Randhawa on his birthday. The Hindi Medium star shared an unseen picture with him and wrote, “Happy Birthday, Dost. Sada Khush Raho.”
The Patola singer re-shared the story with heart emojis.
Guru recently revealed in an interview that he made the song Lagdi Lahore Di for a Pakistani model and netizens expressed that it is actually for Saba.
The Baaghi diva also posted another story in which she shared their song together Suit Suit with a special caption.
On the work front, Saba will be soon seen in Tumhare Husn Ke Naam, along with Imran Abbas. The series is being shot currently in Lahore, followed by a schedule in Karachi. Penned by Sara Qayyum, it is being helmed by Saqib Khan, who has the feature film Ghabrana Nahi Hai under his belt. It also features Chupke Chupke fame, Sidra Niazi and Asad Siddiqui in significant roles.
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