Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Sharmila Faruqi has taken legal action and filed a Rs 50 million defamation suit against host and actor Nadia Khan for making a video with Sharmila’s mother, Anisa Faruqi. In the video, the morning show host can be seen sarcastically praising Anisa’s makeup at Actor Saboor Aly’s wedding.
The notice said, “instead of understanding the agony of a daughter, whose mother has been grieving the loss of her husband, and subjected to sarcasm and ridicule by you, you resorted to the same YouTube channel as means of revenge.”
The notice claimed that the TV host violated the privacy of Sharmila Faruqi’s mother, Anisa which prompted Faruqi to take legal action against her.
“By stating that my client has taken upon the case of her mother against you for media time and that decent families do not function like that, and also that she is using [the] sympathy card against her mother for publicity, not only have you adversely affected my client’s goodwill but have also injured her reputation lowering her estimation of many of her followers/voters/supporters reducing her to ridicule, unjust criticism, dislike, contempt or hatred,” the notice added.
The PPP leader also demanded to take down the video within 15 days from the issuance of the legal notice.
In response, Nadia Khan also preparing to send legal notice of Rs 50 million for using derogatory remarks for her. She updated her followers regarding the action while uploading a post on her Instagram, saying she was sending the notice because Sharmila used, “insulting remarks for a woman”.
On January 20, Sharmila Faruqi also went to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) cybercrime head office to lodge a complaint against Nadia Khan.
Later, Nadia Khan has uploaded a video with her husband to share her stance in which she has stated that her perceived intentions cannot be punished by any law and that she only praised Anisa.
“Sharmila should be thankful that I praised her mother. Elderly people like to be appreciated and I just did that.”
The controversy began between them when Nadia Khan uploaded the video of Saboor Aly’s wedding function on her Youtube channel on January 13 in which she was seen sarcastically praising the makeup of the PPP leader’s mother, Anisa Faruqi.
Watch the video here:
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