Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut recently appeared on the YouTube Channel, Curly Tales’ show ‘Sunday Brunch’, where the Gangster diva revealed her observation about men from different Indian states.
Ranaut shared that when she was new in Mumbai as a model, she was slightly shocked to see how men in Mumbai ask to split the bills on dates which was a culture shock for her as she is from Manali. Earlier she also did theater and modelling in Delhi and no man ever asked her to pay the bills on dates.
Kangana mentioned that in the initial days of her career, she used to live with 5-6 other girls as a paying guest when she had a limited amount of money. When she was asked how her food choices used to be in those days, the actress said that for her Delhi was a very different experience. She said that friends of friends or their boyfriends used to often take them out on rides and pay for their food too. She added that though they used eat very little, they often visited fancy places. Kangana added that when she started earning, she too used to pay at times, but there was no stress about paying. The actress said that in Mumbai, things were different.
She said, “But when I came to Mumbai, even if you go on a date, you have to Dutch. So this was very new to me, it was a bit of a culture shock. Even in Chandigarh I never paid on a date. But in Mumbai everybody is so practical that even if you are on a date you have to pay equal. If you have water then you pay for it. I think it’s fine. I don’t think it’s not cool, it’s cool.”
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