Actor Mariyam Nafees took to her Instagram stories to condemn trolling of fellow actress Iqra Aziz over her recent shoot. The Khuda Aur Mohabbat 3 star posted her pictures in a floral frock and flaunted her chiseled legs which got a polarising response from the netizens.
While sharing a meme, Mariyam said that there are much more serious topics that need the required attention rather than Aziz’s legs. She cited examples like domestic violence and corruption.
Earlier Nafees grabbed headlines forr her stance on cousin marriages. On Geo’s Jashn-e-Cricket. During a segment of the show, the host Shahzad Iqbal asked the Diyar-e-Dil diva about her stance on cousin marriages.
Mariyam expressed her displeasure over the idea of cousin marriage, saying that they grow up like siblings. She also said the idea of coursing marriage is ‘Disgusting.’
Earlier, she called out Amna Illyas over her kick-challenge video.
The Yaqeen Ka Safar star took to her Instagram stories to share a picture of an apple with the caption, “This is an apple, this is rizq.”
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