Actor Mathira took to her Instagram stories to hit out at fellow actress Kiran Tabier for her recent comment about the Blind Love diva. A fan recently told Kiran that she looks like Mathira’s twin sister. The Parizaad star expressed her disappointment on the same and sarcastically told the netizen that if she’s a woman, her thinking needs a salute. Mathira responded to it by saying, “Being compared to me is not swearing or a bad word. But if u think then that’s your head Anyways. Apki Soch ko salam Karna Chahie. Why do people think I am that bad?” Earlier this year Mathira schooled actress Hira Mani when she shared in an interview alongside her husband Salman Saqib that husbands who taunt their wives on weight gain are essentially helping women maintain their bodies. Mani was then inquired if he ever had to lose weight. “I did,” he told the host. “I exercised, I did calorie deficit, portion control, intermittent fasting, OMAD.” Hira chimed in, “No matter how busy we a...