Alia Bhatt’s latest love ballad Kesariya has taken over the music charts in India. The song was recently in hot waters when called out for copying Pakistani band Call’s Laree Chootee, but while that’s contested, Bhatt came to defend her song by claiming that Kesariya has dethroned the global favourite Coke Studio song Pasoori.
Amidst a promotional interview for her Netflix’s debut film, Darlings, Bhatt was directed with a question that asked how she feels after the massive critique Kesariya, which she calls her and husband Ranbir Kapoor’s love song, has gotten for including the phrase “love storiyan”.
Defending the lyrics, Bhatt shared she believes its “great” however the song got attention from people. “I don’t think people are having issues with the song. I think it’s great. I think it’s lovely that there is so much given to even two words in a song. I think there was so much anticipation with the song that the ones who weren’t liking those two words just wanted the song to be so perfect.”
She further added, “Like we dethroned, which I want to say very proudly, Pasoori which is one of my favourite songs but it’s been number one for 85 days and Kesariya went straight to number one. I proudly want to scream on the rooftop and say this because any kind of attention to a creative unit, good bad, is attention at the end of the day and it adds on people knowing more about the film that’s about to release and it just shows that they care that much.”
Bhatt recently added her name to the list of Indian actors who opted for Pakistani designer Faraz Manan’s couture collection for a public event.
The Highway star recently shared pictures of her on Instagram in which the actor could be seen wearing Faraz’s dress.
The designer also shared pictures of the Udta Punjab diva on the official Instagram handle.
Deepika also opted for a dress designed by Faraz Manan.
Earlier, this year in October, Shah Rukh Khan donned Faraz Manan’s white royal jacket on a shalwar kameez. The jacket was customised for the Don 2 star with detailed embroidery work.
Faraz has alo collaborated with India’s top actors like Sridevi, Jacqueline Fernandez and Karishma Kapoor.
On the work front, Alia is gearing up for the release of Darlings and Brahmastra.
The post ‘My favourite Pasoori topped the charts for 85 days, now its Kesariya’: Alia Bhatt gets candid appeared first on The Current.
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