Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are actively promoting their upcoming film Brahmastra as the release date draws closer. However, the question in the minds of many remains the same. Will Brahmastra also face the wrath of the boycott trend that is sweeping through the nation? Earlier this year, Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha and Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan suffered after being boycotted by a section of the people.
There have been calls for the boycott of Brahmastra as well for different reasons. Whether it is Karan Johar’s backing of the film or Alia Bhatt’s controversial comments in a recent interview, the movie has been making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. This time, internet users dug out a Ranbir Kapoor interview from ten years ago and have a fresh reason to boycott the film.
The interview is from a decade ago when Kapoor was promoting his then-upcoming film Rockstar. In the interview, while talking about his food habits, the actor expressed his fondness for beef. This revelation did not go down well with a section of people. The video of the interview is being reshared now with fresh calls for a boycott of his forthcoming biggie.
A Netizen shared the clip with the caption, “Shiva in real life”. It was followed by a big number of comments agreeing to boycott the film over his food choice. However, some Twitter users have also supported Ranbir saying his choice of food should not matter to others and this is no reason to Boycott the film.
Brahmastra, directed by Ayan Mukerji, also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Akkineni Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy in pivotal roles and is a fantasy adventure film that draws heavily from mythology. It is slated for release on August 9.
The post BJP supporters trend #BoycottBrahmastra because Ranbir Kapoor eats beef appeared first on The Current.
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