Actor Muneeb Butt in his recent interview with host Tabish Hashmi, made some revelations about his caste. The Daldal star stated that his cast, pronounced as ‘Butt’ in Pakistan, is originally Bhatt. However when the Kashmiris migrated to Pakistani Punjab from India, the caste name became Butt from Bhatt due to the Punjabi dialect.
“Originally it is Bhatt, not Butt, when Kashmiris migrated here, the name became Butt. People in Punjab pronounce words differently, such as bhai (brother) became paen. They don’t use B and H together.”
Earlier in an interview with Waseem Badami did not hesitate to call out the government, which promised to give a Rs 2,000 monthly subsidy to all citizens earning less than Rs40,000.
Shedding light on inflation, the Qarar hero had a hilarious response to what the government has to offer to the needy. He joked sarcastically and said he will marry off his daughter with that Rs2,000.
“I have kept them in the bank. I will buy a plot with the remaining amount.”
In June 2022, Butt took to his Twitter handle to slam the ruling party after another increase in petrol prices.
He also termed PML-N as a “weak party”.
The Baandi hero also slammed writer and former journalist, Reham Khan on twitter amidst her recent controversy with actor Mishi Khan.
Butt sarcastically told her that he wants to cast her as naagin (snake) in his forthcoming serial.
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