Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh grabbed all the eyeballs when he shared his nude photoshoot for an international magazine on social media. The Bajirao Mastani hero’s pictures went viral, and while many had nice things to say about them, the actor received a lot of trolling and backlash for it too. Ranveer became the center of controversy after he shot nude photographs for Paper Magazine. An FIR was filed by a city-based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that said Ranveer had hurt the sentiments of women in general and insulted their modesty by posting nude photographs on social media platforms.
Recently, Ranveer was summoned to appear before the police on August 22, but he could not appear in front of the Police on the given date due to his professional commitments. On Monday, Ranveer appeared before the Mumbai Police to record his statement in connection with the FIR registered against him between 7 am and 9.30 am. As per ETimes, a source close to Mumbai police revealed that in his statement to the police officers, the actor maintained that he had not uploaded the controversial photos. Furthermore, also said that he didn’t realise that the nude photoshoot would create trouble for him.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ranveer was last seen in Jayeshbhai Jordaar which also starred Shalini Pandey, Boman Irani, and Ratna Pathak Shah. Apart from this, the Dil Dhadakne Do actor will be seen next in Karan Johar’s film, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani with Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, and Jaya Bachchan in the lead, which is slated to release in the cinemas on 10 February 2023. Ranveer also has other projects including Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus co-starring Jacqueline Fernandez, Pooja Hegde, and Varun Sharma.
On being asked recently about her opinion on the naked photoshoot and the FIR against Ranveer Singh, Bollywood star Vidya Balan said, “Arre kya problem hai? Pehli baar koi aadmi aisa kar raha hai, hum logo ko bhi aankhein sekhne dijiye na (What’s the problem. A man is doing it for the first time, let us also please our eyes).”
Senior actress Nadia Afgan expressed her agreement with Balan’s reaction to Singh’s shoot.
Taking to her Instagram stories, the Suno Chanda star reshared Vidya’s reaction to the bold shoot and added, “Exactly”.’
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