Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan recently made a revelation about his former feelings for Tennis star Sania Mirza. The Judwaa 2 star stated that he had a huge crush Sania when he was a crew member on an ad film that featured Mirza.
Varun recalled, “I was working for Mad Productions, Mukul Anand’s team and I was working on an ad that featured Sania Mirza. We had to get 300 shoes. I went to Linking Road and rented 300 shoes. I had this huge crush on Sania Mirza at the time. She asked me for an apple. And I got this apple.”
He re-enacted the trembling he felt as he gave her mother the apple for Sania, and added, “I was giving her like I said Aunty… apple. Her mother thought I was crack or something. So she asked who told you to bring this apple?’ Luckily Sania came and said I want the apple. I got like ₹5000 for it, to get the shoes, and also maybe the apple.”
As of today, Varun is married to Natsaha Dalal, whereas Sania Mirza is hitched to Pakistani veteran cricketer Shoaib Malik.
The Badlapur star is currently promoting his horror-comedy film Bhediya, helmed by Amar Kaushik.
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