Indian streaming platform EORTV has announced that they are in the process of making a biopic based on the life of the queer icon and Pakistani television host Ali Saleem, who was famous for his cross-dressing alter ego Begum Nawazish Ali. His popular talk show ‘Late Nights With Begum Nawazish Ali’ featured interviews with actors, politicians and even religious figures. In 2010, Saleem, along with actress Veena Malik, were the first Pakistanis to take part in the famous reality show ‘Big Boss’.
Saleem had described himself as gay, bisexual and even transgender.
According Deepak Panday, the CEO of EORTV, the channel was planning to approach actor Mallika Sherawat for the role. He also elaborated on the reason they had chosen to film this story:
“This is a strong story, a story of boldness and courage. The character is multifaceted and needed someone as courageous and undaunted as the Begum thyself. I am planning to approach Mallika Sherawat for this role as she would be apt for a fearless performance like this. It is important to create stories like these that can encourage more and more people to be open about their sexuality and sexual preferences. This is going to be a story of an unapologetically fearless man who’s leading a life of his own choice in spite of living in a politically warm environment”.
He further went on to say:
“Begum Nawazish Ali’s background and childhood is interesting but the journey he makes in due course of his life is even more interesting. He has interviewed the who’s who from business, politics, entertainment with gusto. He has courted satire and controversy but managed to make a place in the hearts of the common man. His life will make for very compelling content on screen”.
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