Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt made it to the cover of Vogue India’s May-June 2023 issue. In the accompanying interiew, the star opened up about rumors surrounding her dramatic weight loss, and addressed pressure to snap back in to shape after giving birth.
The ‘Brahamastra’ actor announced the birth of her and Ranbhir Kapoor’s daughter, Raha, in 2022. Bhatt talked to Vogue about the pressures society places over mothers to revert back to their old bodies after giving birth:
“I wasn’t hard on myself because I was so proud of what my body had done when I delivered Raha. I know everyone believes that I lost weight unnaturally but the truth is that I can’t even get my wisdom tooth extracted at the moment since I’m breastfeeding and can’t be given anaesthesia. Many folks are under the impression that individuals who work in the visual medium do unnatural things to their bodies to get back in shape post-delivery. That’s why I felt like it was important to document parts of my fitness journey on Instagram. I didn’t put any pressure on myself. The doctors advised me to only push harder in my workouts post 12 weeks, and I did that.”
In December 2022, the ‘Darlings’ actress shared a picture of herself performing yoga, urging mothers to keep listening to their bodies and to never be hard on themselves after what their bodies had gone through:
To my fellow mamas, listening to your body post delivery is key. Do NOT do anything your gut tells you not to. For the first week or two during my workouts, all I did was breathe… walk… find my stability and balance again (& I still have a long way to go). Take your time – appreciate what your body has done. After what my body did this year I have taken a vow to never be hard on myself again. Childbirth is a miracle in every way, and giving your body that love and support that it gave you is the least we can do.”
Describing herself as a healthy person to Vogue, Bhatt said that she worked out six days a week, but during post-partum recovery, she refused to check her weight to avoid getting pressurized by unrealistic expectations.
“I avoided checking my weight every day like many people do when they work out religiously. I would step on the scale maybe once in two weeks. You need to be consistent and let change happen at its own pace. My mother-in-law even made me those gond ke laddus which I ate for six weeks. People need to understand that putting on weight during pregnancy is not a result of eating too much; it’s because you’re making life inside you and that life needs that extra weight. It has to be in sync with your BMI, of course, and you should consult a professional if you have questions but you’re supposed to put on a certain amount of weight. It’s completely okay!”
Along with taking care of her own mental health and well being, Bhatt revealed that she ensured her newborn’s mental well-being was her biggest priority, a process that included diswoing the stereotype that a crying baby is an unhappy baby:
“As a new mom, you don’t want your baby to even frown; you just want them to be happy all the time. But I’m very clear about not having anyone tell Raha that she shouldn’t cry. Nobody should pacify her by saying, ‘Don’t cry, you’re a good girl’. I get very upset about that. Just because she’s crying, doesn’t mean she’s a bad child. Her tears help me understand whether something is wrong. Crying is good. Crying is communication. And sadly, that goes away with time because the minute you start talking, crying becomes something to be embarrassed by. Even as adults, crying is your body’s way of saying that something is up and you need to deal with it.”
The post ‘I learned not to be hard on my body’: Alia Bhatt on post-baby fitness appeared first on The Current.
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