Netflix released a reality television show based on the popular Korean series ‘Squid Games’, featuring contestants competing in a series of games for a coveted prize. However, news reports reveal that contestants are taking legal action against Netflix and the producers by claiming they suffered extensive injuries during filming.
The players spoke about their experience in shooting some of the popular games from the show including ‘Red Light, Green Light’, in which players must try to reach the finish line without drawing the attention of the robot doll. British law firm Express Solicitors is representing two clients who had taken part in the contest. Both have said they had no idea about the risks they had to take while shooting during cold periods for long months. Filming for the games took place at Cardington Studios in Bedfordshire during a cold winter in Britain. Several participants required medical treatment.
“Contestants thought they were taking part in something fun and those injured did not expect to suffer as they did. Now they have been left with injuries after spending time being stuck in painful stress positions in cold temperatures,” said the CEO of Express Solicitors Daniel Slade to The Guardian.
Slade recalled one client who witnessed “seeing someone faint, then people shouting for medics. We have a case where someone complains of hypothermia. One had his hands turn purple from the cold.”
The reality television series comes after the successful Korean drama, the most-watched show on Netflix, surpassing the popular British period drama “Bridgerton”. It received several Primetime Emmy Awards including Outstanding Drama Series, with Lee Jung-Jae winning Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama series, becoming the first Asian actor to do so.
The series follows broke father Seong Gi-Hun, who decides to enroll in the games in order to provide for his mother, and win custody of his daughter.
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