Actor Yasir Hussain took to his Instagram stories to slam the ruling government and asked them to leave the nation this August. The Koel director stated, “August mai aazadi bhi de den hum ko. Jaan choren, Noon ne toh laam laga diye. (Leave us in August, give us independence. PML-N has screwed us.). He wrote this caption while sharing a news story about an alleged increase in the fuel prices and electricity crises in the country. His story also featured Miftah Ismail’s picture apart from Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. Earlier this year Yasir stated that he wants former PM Imran Khan to stand for celebrities and entertainment industry after he comes back in power. The Jhooti star wants Imran to return the favour as during the no-confidence motion, a plethora of celebrities supported him and expressed it publicly on social media. Netizens gave their polarising response on Yasir’s post. Yasir wants Imran to do something for the entertainment industry and artists in return. The ...