Actor Mathira has lashed out at model and host Kiran Butt for age-shaming superstar Mehwish Hayat. Kiran recently asked Khalil-ur-Rehman on Ahmad Ali Butt’s show that people speculate by Mehwish’s age a lot these days so is this the reason Qamar wouldn’t work with her? Mathira commented under a blog’s post who shared this video clip. The Raasta diva slammed Butt for her remarks. Mathira also wrote, “I bet Kiran is one of those girls who are stuck on 25 (years of age) for the next 25 years.” Earlier this month, Mathira took to her Instagram stories to hit out at fellow actress Kiran Tabier for her recent comment about the Blind Love diva. A fan recently told Kiran that she looks like Mathira’s twin sister. The Parizaad star expressed her disappointment on the same and sarcastically told the netizen that if she’s a woman, her thinking needs a salute. Mathira responded to it by saying, “Being compared to me is not swearing or a bad word. But if u think then that’s your head A...